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    时间:2019-05-19 浏览次数:

    报告题目: Time-harmonic Response and Soil-structure Interaction in Anisotropic and

                         Multilayered Foundation

    报告人:张智卿 副教授(合作者:潘尔年 教授)



    人:胡元太 教授

    AbstractSoil foundation is well known for being anisotropic and multilayered, with further poroelastic coupling. Its response under dynamic loads (with time-harmonic being the frequency spectral components) has been always a challenge to civil engineers. In this talk, by introducing the mathematically elegant cylindrical system of vector functions and the unconditionally stable propagation layer matrix based on the dual-variable and position method, we present a systematic investigation on the static, time-harmonic responses of layered foundations under static and time-harmonic loads. The influence of soil anisotropy, layering and imperfect interface on the soil response is studied in detail. With this forward solution, we then develop a new algorithm for attacking the corresponding inverse problem, i.e., the most complicated and difficult soil-structure interaction (SSI). Utilizing the newly developed semi-analytical method, the important SSI coefficients of the fundamental disc load are calculated and presented. This include the coupling between porous and elastic phases and the coupling between the rocking and shearing, which have been mostly neglected in recent literature.

    Bio: Zhiqing Zhang, Associate Professor, College of Urban Construction, Zhejiang Shuren University, zhangzhiqing2000@163.com. He obtained his BS degree from Zhejiang University of Technology, and his PhD degree in Geotechnical Engineering from Zhejiang University. He joined Zhejiang Shuren University in 2008 and promoted to associate professor in 2010. His research area is on soil-structure (including the embedded pipe) interaction. He has published over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles in journals like IJSS, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., Comput. Geotech., Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., J. Sound Vib., Int. J. Numer. Anal. Met. Geomech., etc.

    Collaborator Ernian Pan, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Mathematics, University of Akron, pan2@ukron.edu. He obtained his BS and MS degrees from Lanzhou University and Beijing University, respectively, and his PhD from University of Colorado at Boulder. He joined the University of Akron in 2002 and promoted to professor in 2008, with a primary appointment in the Department of Civil Engineering and a joint appointment in the Department of Mathematics. His teaching and research are in continuum/computational methods/mechanics with applications to modern engineering and Earth science problems including pavement/earth deformation due to surface and internal loadings, mechanical and electronic properties of nanoscale quantum heterostructures, and mangetoelectric effect in multiferroic composites. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, designed a couple of software products, coauthored a book titled Static Green's Functions in Anisotropic Media by Cambridge University Press, and recently published an invited review for Rep. Prog. Phys.



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