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时间:2011-05-30 浏览次数:

题  目:Dislocations of Arbitrary Shapes in Anisotropic Full, Half, and Bimaterial Spaces报告人:Prof. Ernian Pan (潘尔年) (ASME Fellow)
Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Akron
School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhengzhou University
pan2@uakron.edu; www.ecgf.uakron.edu/~pan
主持人:胡元太  教授
    点:力学系三楼会议室 (南一楼东北角LX303)
Ernian Pan received his BS and MS degrees, respectively, from Lanzhou University and Peking University, and his PhD from University of Colorado at Boulder. He joined the University of Akron in 2002 and is currently a professor with a primary appointment in the Department of Civil Engineering. His teaching and research are in continuum mechanics and computational methods with applications to earth science and modern engineering problems including earth deformation due to surface and internal loadings, mechanical and electronic properties of nanoscale quantum heterostructures, and mangetoelectric effect in multiferroics composites. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and is a reviewer for many different journals. He was selected to the Fellow rank of ASME in 2010 due to his contributions in Green’s function solutions.
In this talk, we will first briefly review the research works carried out in our group. These include multilayered flexible pavements, quantum nanostructures (quantum wells, wires, and dots) and multiphase (particularly multiferroic) materials and composites.
We will then present in detail the dislocation solutions in anisotropic full, half, and bimaterial spaces. The point-force Green’s functions obtained via the Stroh formulism will be presented. Then, by virtue of the Betti’s reciprocal theorem, we derive the simple line-integral expressions of the elastic displacement and stress fields due to a flat triangle dislocation in anisotropic full, half, and bimaterial spaces. The solutions for the case of anisotropy are more convenient for treating an arbitrary dislocation loop compared to the traditional area integration. With these new analytical solutions, we numerically examine the displacement and stress fields in full and half spaces, and the displacement/stress and energy fields due to the interaction between a dislocation loop and the bimaterial interface in an Al-Cu system. While the displacement/stress results could serve as benchmarks to future numerical analyses, the interactive energy in the bimaterial system shows that a dislocation loop is subjected to an attractive force by the interface when it lies in the stiff material, and a repulsive force when it lies in the soft material. Moreover, the dependence of the interactive image energy of a dislocation loop on the position and size of the dislocation loop are also demonstrated and discussed.


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