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时间:2018-11-12 浏览次数:

题目:Field behavior of screw micropiles subjected to axial monotonic and cyclic loadings

报告人:Lijun Deng, Assistant Professor in Geotechnical Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta (UAlberta) - Canada.



Bio: Dr. Lijun Deng is currently an Assistant Professor in Geotechnical Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta (UAlberta) - Canada. He joined UAlberta in January 2013. He obtained a PhD degree in 2012 from the University of California, Davis – USA, an MSc in 2006 from Tsinghua University - China, and a BSc in 2003 from Tsinghua University. In 2012, he worked as a geotechnical engineer in Perth, Australia.

Dr. Deng’s research interests cover geotechnical earthquake engineering, foundation engineering, soil-structure interaction, and frozen ground engineering. His research has spanned laboratory-scale testing, full-scale testing, geotechnical centrifuge modelling, and numerical modelling. Specifically, he has extensively investigated rocking foundations, which is an innovative shallow foundation type that enables more resilient soil-structure systems in earthquake zones. Recently, he has focused on the axial performance of screw micropiles and helical piles using full-scale field tests and geotechnical centrifuge modelling, and the occurrence of liquefaction triggered by 2015 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake.

He has published or submitted 23 journal papers as an independent researcher at UAlberta, most of them being in the top societal journals, including Canadian Geotechnical Journal (CGJ), ASCE-JGGE, and Soils and Foundations. He has attracted over 1 million CA$ funding from federal agencies and local industry. His paper Guo and Deng (2018) received the Editor’s Choice honour from CGJ. In 2018 -2019, he was awarded the Gledden Senior Visiting Professor Fellowship by the University of Western Australia. He served in several national and local professional committees, and the editorial board of CGJ.


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