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美高梅张世顺教授受邀成为SCI期刊《ASCE-Journal of Composites for Construction》编委

时间:2019-09-01 浏览次数:

美高梅张世顺教授受邀成为SCI期刊《ASCE-Journal of Composites for Construction》编委。期刊网址为:https://ascelibrary.org/journal/jccof2

《ASCE-Journal of Composites for Construction》是美国土木工程师协会旗下期刊,目前已发展成为土木工程复合材料结构领域的顶级期刊之一,期刊聚焦以下研究方向:

The Journal of Composites for Construction publishes original research papers, review papers, and case studies dealing with the use of fiber-reinforced composite materials in construction. Of special interest to the Journal are papers that bridge the gap between research in the mechanics and manufacturing science of composite materials and the analysis and design of large civil engineering structural systems and their construction processes. The Journal publishes papers about composite materials consisting of continuous synthetic fibers and matrices for use in civil engineering structures and subjected to the loadings and environments of the infrastructure. The Journal publishes papers about composite materials in stand-alone forms (e.g., structural shapes) or used in conjunction with traditional construction materials such as concrete, masonry, metals and timber, either as reinforcing members or in hybrid systems, for both new construction and for repair and rehabilitation of existing structures. The Journal also publishes papers about codes and standards related to fiber-reinforced composites for construction.


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