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时间:2018-03-23 浏览次数:

报告题目:Computational Modelling of Full Interaction between Crystal Plasticity and Oxygen Diffusion at a Crack Tip(氧扩散—裂尖晶体塑性交互作用的计算模拟)

报 告 人:Prof. Liguo Zhao  

报告人单位:Loughborough University, UK(英国)



邀 请 人:黄敏生 教授


   Dr. Liguo Zhao is a Professor in Solid Mechanics (Loughborough University of the UK), with established research in micromechanics-based modelling of deformation, fatigue and failure of polycrystalline alloys. He holds a BEng and a PhD in Solid Mechanics, awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University of China. He has undertaken extensive research on nickel superalloys (for gas turbine baldes and discs), including fracture mechanics, visco-plasticity and crystal-plasticity constitutive modelling, prediction and simulation of crack propagation and fatigue-oxidation damage. Recently, he has extended his research into stent biomechanics, investigating the biomechanical performance of endovascular scaffolds. His research is substantially supported by the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Science Research Council), the Royal Society, the British Heart Foundation and the Royal Academy of Engineering of the UK. He has been leading four multi-institutional EPSRC projects in this area, and received the award of a prestigious Royal Society-Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship in 2008. Zhao has more than 10-year postdoctoral research experience, and worked at Cambridge University, Imperial College, Nottingham University and Portsmouth University. He has published over 50 journal papers in Solid and Computational mechanics.



邮编:430074  电话:027-87541954 

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