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时间:2017-11-27 浏览次数:

报告题目:Nanomechanics and its application developments

报告人 Yujie Meng (孟玉洁), Ph.D., 美国纳米力公司
邀请人 :杨辉教授
时间 20171130日下午4:00~5:00
地点 :南一楼E317力学系会议室




Dr. Yujie Meng enrolled in College of Materials Sciences and Technology at Nanjing Forestry University, Jiangsu, China in 2003 and obtained her B.S. in 2007. She moved to the States and joined Center for Renewable Carbon at University of Tennessee to pursue her M.S. degree in 2008. She worked on nanoindentation characterization on soft material and polymer composite interphase projects using various techniques (nano DMA, modulus mapping, testing at elevated temperature, testing in liquid and micro compression testing etc.). She continued her education by obtained a Ph.D. in Natural Resources with a concentration in Bio-based Products and Wood Science & Technology and a dual M.S. in Statistics from University of Tennessee in 2015. During the pursue of her Ph.D., she visited Oak Ridge National Laboratory and worked as research assistant in Material Science and Technology Division from 2013 to 2015, where she was involved in the carbon nanostructure and nanoporous carbons research.


Dr. Meng has research experience on multi-materials including fiber-reinforced polymer composites, lignocellulose material, nano reinforced adhesive, bio nanocomposites, aerogel, bio-based carbon material and biomass-based films. She also has extensive hands-on experiences on small scale mechanical characterization (Nanoindentation, AFM etc.). She is a member of Forest Products Society and Society of Wood Science & Technology. Dr. Meng joined Nanomechanics, Inc. in Oct 2015 as an Application Scientist.




美国纳米力股份有限公司是一家专注于力纳米压痕力学检测新技术研发和新产品制造的高科技企业。 公司总裁Warren C Oliver 博士(美国工程院院士,世界上第一台纳米压痕仪发明人)带领研发团队在纳米压痕领域拥有30年以上研发经验。Warren C Oliver 博士(美国工程院院士)和George M. Pharr博士(美国工程院院士) 1992年美国材料研究期刊上发表的论文“An improved technique for determining hardness and elastic modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments 已成为工程学领域里被引用次数最多的文章(21000以上被引次数),以两人名字命名的纳米力学测试模型Oliver-Pharr 模型是纳米压痕检测的理论基础。


纳米力股份有限公司亚洲商务拓展经理孟玉洁博士(Dr. Yujie Meng)将主持“小尺度力学领域的最新研究进展与发展趋势”的讨论。在讨论过程中,她将介绍纳米力公司的产品、关键技术和技术专长是如何惠及研究工作的。参会人员不仅能在接触力学、Oliver-Pharr方法、动态压痕、薄膜模型的理论和实践知识方面实现提升,同时也会得到最佳实践机会。



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