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时间:2016-06-21 浏览次数:

报告题目:Computational Analysis of Mechanical Stress-Strain Interaction of a Bioresorbable Scaffold with Blood Vessel (可吸收血管支架力学行为的计算分析)

报 告 人:Liguo Zhao (Reader of Loughborough University, UK)

报告时间:6月24号(星期五)上午 10点30

邀 请 人:黄敏生  教授

   Dr Zhao is currently a Reader in Solid Mechanics at Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering of Loughborough University (UK, 2012~present). Prior to this, he had been working as a senior lecturer at University of Portsmouth (UK, 2005~2012) and postdoctoral research associate/fellow in some of the top UK universities (Cambridge, Imperial College and Nottingham, 1997~2005). Since 1999, Dr Zhao has been continuously working on Structural Integrity of gas turbine engines, focusing on deformation, facture, fatigue, creep, crack initiation and growth for nickel-based superalloys. In this high impact area, he has secured, as lead/principal investigators, three large multi-institutional ESPRC grants, totaling 2.2 million pounds. He received the award of prestigious Royal Society-Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship in 2008. In particular, Dr. Zhao has been successful in developing new research in the area of Biomechanics. The development opened up an opportunity for him to collaborate with Abbott, a worldleading stent-manufacturing company in USA, via research projects funded by the company. Also recently, he has been awarded a three-year new grant in this area by the British Heart Foundation (a charity organization), in collaboration with both Abbott USA and Lucidoen UK.


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