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Dr. Ernian Pan学术报告

时间:2016-06-06 浏览次数:

报告题目:Modeling and Simulation of Certain Problems in Anisotropic and Layered Multiphase Structures
报告人:Dr. Ernian Pan, Professor of The University of Akron

Abstract: Layered materials and structures can be observed everywhere. In nature, our Earth is made of layered sphere from a global point of view and is a horizontally layered half-space from a local or regional point of view. Manmade laminated composites and layered thin-film structures are currently applied in nearly all engineering and technology branches, and are extremely useful in terms of material and structure design for making best use of their individual material properties. Successfully self-assembled/organized nanostructures in layered spherical structures are also frequently reported in literature. These layered structures are mostly anisotropic with further multi-phase coupling.
   In this talk, I will review and present some fundamental problems in layered structures which can be attacked analytically or computationally. My model structure consists of multilayered materials with fully coupled multiferroics properties (or mangetoelectroelastic coupling in mechanics). Furthermore, the following two application examples are discussed in details. The first one is on the magnetoelectric coupling effect in layered multiferroic composites. I will present the current challenges on enhancing this important coupling effect for energy conversion and energy harvesting, and offer a couple of opportunities on improving this coupling effect. In the second application, I will present the dislocation induced fields. Dislocations are important on material properties, particularly in layered composites where interaction between dislocation and interface provides a unique opportunity for designing ultra-strength materials. Different from existing works on dislocation solutions, I investigate the charged-dislocation induced fields and their features, which have been mostly neglected in the computational dislocation community.
Keywords: Computational method, Charged dislocation, Anisotropy, Interface, Multiferroics composites,
Biosketch: Ernian Pan obtained his BS and MS degrees from Lanzhou University and Beijing University, respectively, and his PhD from University of Colorado at Boulder. He joined the University of Akron in 2002 and promoted to professor in 2008, with a primary appointment in the Department of Civil Engineering and a joint appointment in the Department of Applied Math. His teaching and research are in continuum/computational methods/mechanics with applications to modern engineering and Earth science problems including pavement/earth deformation due to surface and internal loadings, mechanical and electronic properties of nanoscale quantum heterostructures, and mangetoelectric effect in multiferroic composites. He has published over 270 peer-reviewed journal articles, designed a couple of software products, and coauthored a book titled Static Green's Functions in Anisotropic Media by Cambridge University Press.


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