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D. N. Singh教授学术报告

时间:2016-04-05 浏览次数:

报告题目:Critical Goenvironmental Issues in Today’s Context
报告人:D. N. Singh教授
    Dr. D. N. Singh was born in 1965 at Shahjahanpur, UP, India. He has been a faculty member of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, since 1994. Before joining IIT Bombay he has served Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, and Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, for short durations. His early education was completed at Lucknow, UP, India. He obtained his bachelor’s, masters and Doctoral degrees from IIT Kanpur in 1986, 1989 and 1993, respectively. His teaching, and research and developmental activities are in quite diversified areas of geotechnical engineering (viz., soil mechanics, foundation engineering, environmental geotechnology, mechanics of unsaturated soils, soil characterization based on thermal and electrical properties, contaminant transport in porous media, mineralogical characterization, utilization and recycling of industrial waste, geotechnical centrifuge modeling, etc.). He has published 260 technical articles of which 175 are in the refereed journals. He has supervised 28 Doctoral (and 10 ongoing) dissertations and 33 Masters theses. In addition, he has supervised one German Post-doctoral fellow, under the DAAD fellowship scheme, four French Undergraduate students, under ESTP-IITB exchange program, for their final year projects and one German student through DAAD-RISE worldwide program. He has been successful in filing 15 patents as well.
   He had been one of the Editors of the Indian Geotechnical Journal and is presently a Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal, Geotechnical testing Journal, ASTM, Korean Society of Civil Engineering (KSCE) Journal of Civil Engineering, Geomechanics and Engineering (GAE), International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Civil Engineering, Acta Geotechnica Slovenica and Indian Geotechnical Journal. He has been a reviewer to 47 international Journals.


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