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时间:2015-10-12 浏览次数:

题目:Reliability-based Integrity Management of Oil and Gas Pipelines
报告人:加拿大韦仕敦大学周文星 副教授
邀请人:朱宏平 教授
时  间:2015年10月14日(星期三),下午3:00-4:30
地  点:西六楼三楼会议室
   Oil and gas pipelines are critical infrastructure in a modern society. The structural integrity of pipelines are threatened by various hazards such as corrosion, third-party interference, ground movement and human errors.  This presentation will focus on the research carried out at the University of Western Ontario related to the integrity management of pipelines with respect to corrosion. The development of probabilistic corrosion models based on periodic inspection data using hierarchical Bayesian methodologies as well as time-dependent reliability analyses of corroding pipelines considering multiple failure modes will be discussed in detail. Typical pipeline integrity management practice in the Canadian pipeline industry will be briefly described.


邮编:430074  电话:027-87541954 

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