2011.1-2012.1,留学University of California at Berkeley(美国加州大学伯克利分校)。
《German Journal of Advanced Mathematical Sciences》、《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》、《The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal》、《Journal of Applied Mathematics》、《理论数学》和《水电能源科学》等杂志编委。
● 主要获奖
[1] 2010年获国家科技进步二等奖;
[2] 2010年获湖北省自然科学二等奖;
[3] 2009年获教育部科技进步一等奖;
[4] 2008年获“中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文”奖;
[5] 2008年获华中电网有限公司科技进步二等奖;
[6] 2006年获湖北省科技进步三等奖;
[7] 2005年获4688美高梅登录中心优秀博士后;
[8] 2004年获湖北省优秀博士学位论文奖;
[9] 2002年获湖北省科技厅优秀论文奖。
● 以第一作者(通讯作者)发表的部分被SCI收录国际期刊论文:
[1]An improved PSO for DLD of generators with valve point effects, Energy,2009(ESI高被引论文)
[2]GSA for parameter identification of regulation system,Energy Conversion Management,
[3]Improved GSA for UC considering uncertainty of wind power,Energy,2014(ESI高被引论文)
[4]Short-term hydro-thermal scheduling using PSO, Energy Conversion Management,2007
[5]Design fractional order PID controller for turbine regulating system using NSGA2,
Energy Conversion Management,2014
[6]Multiobjective optimization hydrothermal scheduling using NSGSA with chaotic mutation,
Energy Conversion Management,2014
[7]Multiscaling Analysis of Monthly Runoff Series Using Improved MFDFA,
Water Resources Management, 2014
[8]Hydrothermal scheduling using chaotic hybrid DE,Energy Conversion Management,2008
[9]A new approach for UC problem via binary GSA, Applied Soft Computing,2014
[10]Optimal self scheduling of hydro producer in electricity market,
Energy Conversion & Management,2010
[11]Unit commitment problem using enhanced PSO,Soft Computing,2011
[12]An improved PSO to short-term dispatch of cascaded hydropower plants, Kybernetes, 2010
[13]Second order CP for UC strategy of thermal generators,Energy Conversion Management,2013
[14]Rolling horizon procedure on deterministic lockage coscheduling of TGP, Kybernetes, 2010
[15]Application of discrete DE approach to UC problem,Energy Conversion & Management,2011
[16]CGA for hydrogeneration scheduling,Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management,2008
[17]An improved BPSO for unit commitment problem,Expert Systems with Applications,2009
[18]Nonconvex dynamic dispatch of generators with prohibited operating zones,
Optimal Control Applications & Methods,2009
[19]Application of PSO to optimal scheduling of hydro system, Energy
Conversion & Management,2008
[20]Hybrid SA for navigation scheduling for Three Gorges Project,
Computer & Mathematics with Applications,2008
[21]Hydrothermal systems generation scheduling using CA, Journal of Hydroinformatics,2011
[22]Modified DE for DED with valve point effects, Energy Conversion Management,2008
[23]Application of QBGSA for thermal UC with wind power integration,
Energy Conversion& Management,2014
[24]Hybrid DE for economic dispatch with valve point effects,Expert Systems Applications,2009
[25]Lockage scheduling of Three Gorges-Gezhouba by hybrid CPSO, Applied
Mathematics & Computation, 2015
[26] APO for dynamic dispatch of generators with valve point effects and wind power,
Energy Conversion & Management, 2014
[27]Enhanced DE for daily optimal hydro generation scheduling,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2008
[28]Multifractal DFA of electric load series,Fractals,2015
[29]Application of CA to generation scheduling of hydrothermal systems,
Energy Conversion & Management, 2006
[30]SPGSA for multi-objective optimization problems, Journal of Pattern
Recognition & Artificial Intelligence, 2015
[31]A approach for economic dispatch of hydrothermal system via GSA,
Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2014
[32]A hybrid chaotic GA for short-term hydro system scheduling,
Mathematics & Computers in Simulation, 2002
[33]Design of FSM controller for turbine regulating system via input
state feedback linearization method, Energy, 2015
[34]Short term wind power prediction based on LSSVM–GSA model, Energy
Conversion & Management,2015
[35]Chaos embedded hybrid approach for hydro-thermal UC problem, Energy
Conversion & Management, 2015
[36]A new quantum inspired chaotic ABC for OPF problem,Energy
Conversion & Management,2015
[37]SM controller of hydraulic generator regulating system based on
feedback method,Mathematics Computers in Simulation,2015
[38]NSGA3 for multiobjective hydro thermal wind scheduling considering
wind power cost,Energy Conversion Management,2015
[39]Application of multiobjective controller to optimal PID gains for
regulating system using AGPSO,ISA Transactions,2015
[40]An GSA for solving short term economic environmental hydrothermal scheduling,
Soft Computing,2015
● 主持、承担的部分科研项目
联系电话:18907198929; Email: yxh71@163.com